• 22 MAY 24
    House Call: Demystifying Urogynecology

    House Call: Demystifying Urogynecology

    By: Scott Beard, MD, FACOG, FPMRS, Urogynecology

    If the term “urogynecology” is relatively unfamiliar to you, you’re not alone! It’s a fairly new medical subspeciality, established a little over a decade ago to specifically address conditions related to female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.

    Conditions that, for many of the patients I treat, can often feel uncomfortable, embarrassing and isolating. My job as a urogynecologist is to help women feel empowered discussing their concerns and working with them, as partners, to find the right path forward.

    Some of the most common conditions I treat—though there are many others—include:

    • Accidental Bowel Leakage
    • Bladder Incontinence
    • Overactive Bladder
    • Pelvic Floor Prolapse (“Dropped Bladder”)
    • Pelvic Pain
    • Endometriosis
    • Irregular or Heavy Bleeding

    I’m sometimes asked: Why urogynecology?

    Because of my specialized training, there’s no need for a patient to see a separate urologist and gynecologist; they can access all the services they need with me. Most urogynecologists practice in urban or larger suburban areas. Right now, I am the only urogynecologist in rural New Mexico, and I’m honored to provide top-notch care to women in our Artesia community.

    Pelvic floor and gynecologic issues can be difficult for patients to discuss, especially with a new provider. Risk factors for these conditions can vary depending on age, menopause, childbirth, diet and hygiene practices, to name a few. But you can make healthy choices and still face problems.

    More than anything, I want women to know that they will never be judged for anything they share. My team is here to create a safe and welcoming space for healing. And I should note that there truly isn’t much we haven’t already seen!

    Pelvic floor conditions are more common than you think, and you don’t have to suffer alone. We can find a solution—whether it be surgical, lifestyle adjustments or a combination of options—that makes you feel comfortable and confident. The first (and hardest) step is requesting your appointment. We’ll take care of the rest!

    Learn more about urogynecology services at Artesia General Hospital or request an appointment with Dr. Beard.