What is a Hospitalist?
The term “hospitalist” refers to physicians whose practice emphasizes providing care for hospitalized patients.
How does a hospitalist practice work?
The hospitalist works in the hospital to provide for your care. He or she may, however, consult other doctors to participate in your care as well.
Your own primary care provider may request that a hospitalist be in charge of your care during your hospital stay. This way, you have the benefit of being seen by a doctor whose practice is entirely focused on the care of hospitalized patients. In addition, this can enable your primary care provider to be more available to you in the office, rather than trying to maintain a schedule of seeing patients in the office and in the hospital.
The hospitalist will direct your medical care and will see you every day to supervise your treatment while you are in the hospital. This doctor is available to you and your family to answer questions and discuss your care.
What is the relationship between a hospitalist and my primary care provider?
The hospitalist and your primary care provider work together. Your primary care provider provides information about your past health history to the hospitalist, and the two doctors can discuss findings and events. Your primary care provider asks the hospitalist to be in charge of your care while you are in the hospital; however, your primary care provider is welcome to check on you and discuss your care with the hospitalist any time during your hospital stay. When you are discharged, you will return to the care of your primary care doctor.