• 22 AUG 24
    3 Ways to Care for Your Heart

    3 Ways to Care for Your Heart

    When it comes to heart health, small actions can make a big difference. It’s never too late to build healthy habits and show your heart a little love. Just remember, making lifestyle changes can take time. Be patient and give yourself grace as you work to become a healthier you.

    Get started today!

    1. Healthy Eating: Most of us have heard that we should eat more fruits and vegetables and less sodium, sugar and saturated fat. But where should we begin? Try starting out with one of these modifications:

    • Swap one sugar-sweetened beverage per day—such as soda, fruit drinks or energy drinks—with water.
    • Boost your vitamin intake by adding one extra vegetable to two meals a day.
    • Practice portion control and mindful eating by reading the nutrition label and using measuring tools.

    2. Exercise: You don’t have to be marathon runner to get your daily exercise. The American Heart Association recommends adults get 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. Exercise should be fun! Whether you prefer 60-, 30- or 10-minute sessions, you can split up the time in a way that works for you. Check out this list of moderate-level activities:

    • Brisk walking
    • Swimming
    • Gardening
    • Dancing
    • Doubles tennis
    • Leisure biking

    3. Sleep: In today’s busy world, sleep can take a backseat. But a good night’s rest is crucial for good heart (and brain!) health. Adults should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Try these tips to improve your ZZZZZs:

    • Put away your phone before bed. It’s hard, we know, but your heart and brain will thank you later.
    • Engage in 5-10 minutes of relaxing behavior, like deep breathing or writing in a gratitude journal.

    At Artesia General Hospital, we’re committed to helping you achieve your heart health goals. That’s why we’re excited to introduce Dr. Luther Weathers to our cardiology team. Dr. Weathers is board certified and fluent in Spanish. He has more than 30 years of experience caring for people with genetic heart defects, heart rhythm disorders, heart failure, coronary artery disease, chronic high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

    To schedule a visit with Dr. Weathers, visit artesiageneral.com/cardioappt or call 575.736.8270.